Unless you’ve been living in a cave, under a rock, hiding from all social media, you’ll know that Dwayne Johnson is playing Black Adam, which is due out this year.
At the huge nerd-fest, otherwise known as Comic-Con, every sci-fi/fantasy/horror movie has been there showing off what is due out, so here is the teaser for Black Adam.
I did like the line:
“You have the power to destroy this world, or save it!”
Gosh, I wonder what will happen in the movie? I’m going out on a limb here and saying that Black Adam will save the world, but that’s just me, I’m not very good at second-guessing things.
Apparently, The Rock walked out on stage, in full costume, and the crowd went wild with the scream of hundreds of dweebs. The members of the audience had all been giving lightning bolt lanyards, which all lit up as the music thundered and lightning flashed across the screens behind Johnson.
The question was asked about who would win in a fight between Superman and Black Adam, here is Johnson’s reply:
I’m guessing Johnson is trying to get Kevin Hart to play Superman or something, so they can team up in a hilarious buddy superhero movie. I should joke about things like this, you know it’s only a matter of time these days.

Black Adam will be on the big screen 21st Oct.
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