Remember when Men in Black came out and it was funny and cool and people liked it? Well, in true Hollywood fashion, they saw the potential of another comic book series in the same vague area and made that. Which was R.I.P.D.
On paper, the movie should have been good. You had Ryan Reynolds playing off against Jeff Bridges, with Kevin Bacon as the bad guy. It was pretty much MIB but with the dead instead of aliens.

R.I.P.D. did not have the same appeal as MIB and ended up losing a lot of money. It cost around $150 million to make and only took about half that at the box office. It got a terrible score from critics and fans alike, and was never heard of again.
Well, until now, that is. It seems Universal has made R.I.P.D.2 which will be going straight-to-video. The subtitle for it is R.I.P.D.2: Rise of the Damned and it stars Richard Fleeshman, Jake Choi, Kerry Knuppe, Stephanie Levi-John, and Tilly Keeper. Yeah, I had to look them all up too.
The plot is under wraps, which to me sounds like they have shot most of the movie but are now trying to just edit it together.

I don’t really remember much of the first one, I watched it once and never bothered again. Chances are that this second one will be a hit on video and it’ll mean more sequels. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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