We wrote up the review of Season 3 of The Orville the other day, but we also made a video about it.
As you might know, Drunken Yoda is a little bit of a Star Trek fan. You may also know, that he’s not a fan of the new Star Trek, his video with Matt was pretty open about that, but the Orville has been a better Star Trek than the new Star Trek.

Matt was loafing on holiday, so I sat with Yoda and we just chatted about the series and go through each of the episodes. I’m not huge into Star Trek, but I do love my sci-fi.
I have said on Twitter, that one of the episodes of season 3, was genuinely epic. I know that word is banded around, but honestly, it was fantastic.
When I put the written review of the series up, Matt said about how political it was, but honestly, I didn’t see that. I don’t do politics, I generally don’t pay all that much attention to it and so when watching Orville, I didn’t see the same similarities that Matt saw.
When we chatted about it offline, he told me how he envies me to not see things that way.
I’m still standing by the fact that this season was one of the best series of sci-fi in a few years. Anyways, have a listen and saw if we are wrong.
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