Yesterday, we showed you some of the character costumes for Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves, today, the trailer is online.
I think that kind of looks like fun, in a “dumb summer blockbuster” type way.
Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves, to give it its full title, stars Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Rege-Jean Page, Sophia Lillis, and Huge Grant. It was written and directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein.
The movie is based on the popular board game, which the directors originally heard of when making Freaks & Geeks, where Sam (Daley), one of the characters from the show, was obsessed with the game and would play it while not filming the show.
Daley said that the game was all about camaraderie and having a laugh with your friends, hence why this version of the movie is aiming at the same thing, a group of people, fighting their way through different challenges, but all having a laugh as they do.

At the Comic-Con, the cast and crew were on stage to sell the movie. Pine said about Dungeons & Dragons the game:
“If there’s one game that should be played in every high school across the nation, it should be D&D. You can get the jocks, bullies, and nerds together, and everyone will love it and share a laugh.”
During the Q&A, one of the questions was, who would they play in a real game of D&D, the answers were:
- Grant: “I would be the highest class.” He had no idea what they were talking about with this question.
- Lillis: Bard
- Page: Universal Bard. He prefers to play a Support Class
- Rodriguez: Wizard
- Pine: Bard, 24/7
Bunch of nerds!
Here are some new images released for Dungeons And Dragons: Honour Among Thieves, due out 23rd March 2023.

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