The Batman had a mixed reception this year, some people loving it, some people hating it, but everyone agreed it was far too long. I saw it in the cinema, but haven’t watched it again on streaming, coz I know how long it is.
One thing that was pretty good about it was Colin Farrell as the Penguin, although he was heavily caped in makeup, his performance was great. He will be returning as Penguin in a spin-off TV series that is in development for HBO Max.

Farrell recently spoke to Entertainment Tonight and said he hopes to return for The Batman sequel.
“Oh my god, you kidding me?! It’s so much fun, are you joking [with] me? I’ve been around the block man. That was an easy sport, I mean… it was a joy.”
Farrell went on to say that Matt Reeves, the director of The Batman, is busy writing the sequel and making sure the spin-off show gets off on the right foot.
“Matt’s up to his bollocks, you know, hovering over the keyboard and just planning the story because he’s just so meticulous.
He’s so obsessive about what he does, but he’s all over [HBO Max’s] Penguin [series] as well. I mean, he’s not gonna direct it but he’s all over the structure of the scripts and who’s gonna direct them. And so, it’s exciting.”
The TV series will start shooting next year, with no news of when The Batman sequel is due out, but I’m guessing Farrell will be in it, whether they want him there or not.
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