We had a retro-review of High Strung a while back and someone reached out to us saying they knew the director, Roger Nygard. Well, we managed to get an interview with him.
He has worked on a lot of TV shows, including directing episodes of The Office and The Bernie Mac Show, and editing shows like Veep, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Who is America? and Grey’s Anatomy.
Roger has directed, as mentioned, High Strung, and also Suckers.

He has also directed the documentaries The Nature of Existence and The Truth About Marriage. He is also the man who gave us Trekkies, a great insight into the world of Star Trek fans, from people who learn Klingon to people who visit the conventions in full Star Fleet uniforms.
He also has a book out, called Cut to the Monkey, which Roger calls “a cook book for editing comedy”. I have a copy and am getting through it, I’m not the fastest reader in the world, but I am really enjoying it. I got my copy from Amazon, but I’m sure other good book shops will have it too.
The interview was fascinating, we talked about his early days making 8mm movies with his dad’s camera to examining a joke with Sacha Baron Cohen.
It was also interesting to hear him talk about Monty Python and even The Goon Show, two shows that were instrumental to his, and many others, careers.
Anyways, there’s more of me in the interview, sorry about that, but here it is.
To Quote Og from Time Bandits:
“Wasn’t he interesting?”
It really was great to talk to him and we really appreciated his time. As we said in the interview, Trekkies is getting a re-master in May and you should check it out, according to Roger is the funniest movie ever.
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